- annulus
- mокаймляющая зона (внешнего слоя зоны проникновения)
Dictionnaire français-russe de pétrole et de gaz. - RUSSO. A.I. Boulatov. 2005.
Dictionnaire français-russe de pétrole et de gaz. - RUSSO. A.I. Boulatov. 2005.
Annulus — (or anulus), being the Latin and French for ring , is a term used to describe various ring or circle shaped objects (or openings):cite book | last = Martim de Albuquerque | first = | title = Notes and Queries | publisher = Oxford University Press … Wikipedia
Annulus — (lat. anulus = der Ring) bezeichnet: Annulus (Mikroskopie), eine oktagonale elektronendichte Region der Kernhülle einer Zelle in der Elektronenmikroskopie Annulus (Muskel), ein ringförmiges Muskelfeld etwa beim Nautilus oder den Bartwürmern eine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
annulus — [an′yo͞o ləs, an′yələs] n. pl. annuli [an′yo͞olī΄, an′yəlī΄] or annuluses [L annulus, for anulus: see ANNULAR] any ring or ringlike part, mark, etc … English World dictionary
Annulus — An nu*lus, n.; pl. {Annuli}. [L.] 1. A ring; a ringlike part or space. [1913 Webster] 2. (Geom.) (a) A space contained between the circumferences of two circles, one within the other. (b) The solid formed by a circle revolving around a line which … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Annŭlus — (lat.), 1) überhaupt Ring; so A. piscatorĭus (Fischerring), Siegelring des Papstes, s. Fischerring; A. pronubus, Verlobungs od. Trauring; 2) (Anat.), A. abdominālis (A. inguinālis, A. orālis), der Bauchring, s.d.; A. irĭdis, Irisring, s. Auge; A … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Annŭlus — (lat.), Ring; A. piscatorius, der Fischerring des Papstes … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
annulus — (n.) 1560s, medical, from misspelling of L. anulus little ring, finger ring, a dim. of anus (see ANUS (Cf. anus)) … Etymology dictionary
Annulus — A ringlike structure, or any body part that is shaped like a ring. Applied to many small ring shaped structures. The base of a heart valve that supports the valve s leaflets is called the annulus. A ring shaped pancreas that encircles the… … Medical dictionary
annulus — A growth zone that forms once a year; for most fish an annulus is identified as the zone that forms during a period of slow or no growth, often during the winter season (see opaque) … Fisheries — dictionary
annulus — (plural annuli) a ring or rings on a fish scale or in a bony or cartilaginous structure corresponding to a year of growth. In a scale usually consists of closely arranged ridges (circuli). An accessory annulus is a ring caused by retarded or… … Dictionary of ichthyology
annulus — n.; pl. li luses [L. annulus, ring] 1. Any ring like circling of a joint, segment, spot or mark. 2. (BRYOZOA: Phylactolaemata) The outer epidermal layer of a statoblast that encircles the protective capsule. 3. (NEMATA) The interstice area… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology